Hope Solo calls US soccer a 'rich white kid sport'

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Thursday, June 28, 2018
Hope Solo calls US soccer a 'rich white kid sport'
Hope Solo calls US soccer a 'rich white kid sport'. Alicia Vitarelli reports during Action News at 4 p.m. on June 28, 2018.

Hope Solo, two time American Olympic gold medal soccer player, had some strong words about the state of soccer in the United States. Including the reason why our men's team failed to qualify for the World Cup.

Solo says the sport is too expensive for some kids to play -- whether it has to do with economics, race or geography.

She made the remarks at a sports conference this week, and reaction has been swift.

Some are calling her honest and on point. They say maybe our country, unlike others that invest in soccer programs and marketing, isn't doing enough to make the sport accessible.

Others are asking why would her point just apply to men's soccer, what about women? And what about other "expensive" sports like hockey?

Some people explain that the reason there's more of a focus across communities on say football or basketball is because there's more fame associated with those sports.


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