Parenting Perspective: Big brother leading with kindness

January 13, 2010

This weekend, my daughter, Emma, was experiencing a major bout of the 'terrible twos". For some reason, she wanted to sit and eat her yogurt on the chair my son, Luke, was using. She tried to push in and it was clearly too crowded.

So, trying to restore peace, I pulled her chair immediately next to Luke and told her to sit there. She went ballistic, wanting Luke's chair. I was ready to put her in time out when Luke declared: "Here Emma, we can trade." He shifted over to Emma's chair, she climbed upon his old chair, and they ate their yogurts in harmony.

I was standing aside with tears in my eyes. I praised Luke for being such a nice big brother.

This morning, he rose to the occasion again. After Emma LOVED her first week of preschool last week, today was a different story. She didn't want to wake up and complained that she didn't like school. She clung to my husband, Greg, when he dropped her off at preschool. But Luke, held her hand, told her it was okay, and she ended up liking preschool today after all!

It is one thing when you make your child be nice to his sibling. It is another thing when they do it on their own. It makes you proud to be a parent.

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