Great pumpkins!

LANGHORNE, Pa. - October 6, 2008 - In the back yard of their Langhorne home, Jenny Ornsteen James and her husband Stan are raising some monster pumpkins.

Their biggest is a white one, weighing in at a colossal 426 pounds. What's their secret?

"You pull all the other pumpkins off that vine. So, one vine, one pumpkin. All the energy from the sun and water and fertilizer is being funneled into that one pumpkin you saved," said pumpkin grower Jenny Ornsteen James.

The James also have some big orange pumpkins, lightweights by comparison, tipping the scales at between 220 and 260 pounds.

Of course Miracle Grow can only do so much.The James say their giant future jack-o-lantern was grown from the seed of a pumpkin in Ohio that weighed in at an unbelievable 1400 pounds!

"When you get one of these seeds you get a pedigree like you do a racehorse," said Ornsteen James.

Stan will be hauling 2 of the giants to the Cornell Pumpkin festival at Core Creek Park next weekend. But getting them to budge is a challenge.

"We've just done it with a sling before with some help, but they're getting a little large for that now," Stan James said.

The James won last year's contest, donating their winnings to UNICEF.

After the 11th they'll park the pumpkins at Newtown Friends School, where their daughter is a student, to remind kids to collect for UNICEF while they're trick-or-treating.

Then Jenny will figure out what to do with these monsters.

And even though there'd be enough, she says there's no way she's baking 1300 pumpkin pies.

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