"I hear a gunshot."
Lakewood police officer Jonathon Wilson was the first man in the door and charging up the steps when a SWAT team raided a house back on September 24th. The 6 year veteran says after the gunshot he landed on the floor at the bottom of the steps.
"From that point on it was chaos and I realized I was actually hit when I saw the blood and everything on the ground."
Wilson says all he could think of was getting home to his wife and 4 children when the bullet tore through the left side of his face.
"It went through the bridge of my nose here, went behind the eye and out through the side of my head here."
Ptl. Wilson says he's been dealing with constant and severe headaches and still can't chew because of fractured bones in his face. And as for his eye, the news is grim.
"Removal may not be necessary but I'm not going to get any sight back."
Still, this son of a minister, one of 10 kids, is counting his blessings.
"I really feel blessed. I don't think luck has anything to do with it."
He was hit by a car on duty in 2005 and now he's been shot. You'd think that might convince Jonathon Wilson to look for another line of work.
"May get bumped up and bruised up a little bit but this is what I know and this is what I love."
Wilson says he's gotten letters of concern from around the country and help from friends, neighbors, his department and the community. The soft-spoken lawman says all that support is making his burden easier.
"People really are kind hearted, they care."
And Wilson says he'll need the help as he faces eye surgery in the next few months and a long road to recovery.