SPCA employees have named the puppy Gypsy.
Wilmington Police called the SPCA Saturday around 12:30p.m. after finding the unresponsive puppy tied to a utility pole in an alley behind homes in the 200 block of Delamore Place in Wilmington.
The puppy was treated at Windcrest Animal Hospital over the weekend and is now recovering at the SPCA in Stanton.
SPCA Officer Nick Pepe tells Action News they have located the juvenile who tied the dog to the pole and that is how they determined the length of time she had been there. He told animal control officers he left the puppy there after being told by a parent that he could not keep her.
Animal cruelty charges are pending.
The SPCA Stanton location has the animal control contract for the city of Wilmington and SPCA Director Ann Cavanaugh says under that contract, they are accepting strays or unwanted pets from the city of Wilmington.