The former GOP presidential candidate and current MSNBC analyst appeared on "Morning Joe" Wednesday to explain remarks he made on that network's Sharpton show 12 hours earlier. They were discussing Obama's political strength when Buchanan said that "your boy" had caved in past negotiations and was likely to do so in the future.
"My what?" Sharpton responded. "My president, Barack Obama? What did you say?"
Buchanan, using a boxing analogy, answered that Obama was "your boy in the ring."
"He's nobody's boy," Sharpton said. "He's your president, he's my president, and that's what you have to get through your head."
During his initial "Morning Joe" appearance on Wednesday, Buchanan said he wanted to clarify what he had said to Sharpton during a "spirited discussion."
"Some folks took what I said as some kind of a slur," Buchanan said. "None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered."
On "Morning Joe," Buchanan was appearing alongside political analyst Mark Halperin, who was making his first appearance on MSNBC a month after being suspended for an off-color remark about Obama.