Homework help at Philly libraries

PHILADELPHIA - September 4, 2012

Philadelphia has 54 branches throughout the city and each offers homework help several ways. First, there's K-12 assistance daily once school lets out.

This program continues until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. depending on location. Children in lower grades generally get assistance from high school students but adults are always on hand.

Second, there's the "Brain Fuse" program, a national network of helps the Free Library offers to members. This includes grade-appropriate help in all subjects.

Finally, there's a catalog of broader learning resources. The Free Library website offers one-on-one writing help in which a document may be uploaded for critique.

An individual user may open "cloud" space sufficient to store several of these, and you may interact with an online expert who will help you improve.

Help is available for anyone who wants to learn some two dozen languages...even a fanciful course in "Pirate". And members have access to practice versions of many standardized tests including the SAT and ACT.

There are also practice versions of graduate school exams...all free of charge. These alone could save you hundreds rather than enrolling in a preparation course.

The website is available to anyone who owns a Free Library of Philadelphia card. That's available at any branch to a city resident, a holder of any other Pennsylvania library card, and anyone who works in the city and pays Philadelphia Wage Tax. But the site is so highly-regarded that people who don't qualify...some from as far away as Australia...pay a $35.00 annual fee to get a card.

For more information, visit the branch near you or go online to the Free Library.

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