Unfiltered: Dermatology procedures to have you camera ready

ByMargot Kim WPVI logo
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Fresno dermatologist uses new, advanced techniques to zap skin issues away
Fresno dermatologist uses new, advanced techniques to zap skin issues awayFresno's Macias Dermatology is one of the few offices in California to offer two mighty machines - Morpheus 8 and Evoke.

FRESNO, Calif. -- Virtual meetings, Zoom calls and FaceTime family videos have put more focus on our faces.

In fact, with so much on-camera time, local dermatologists are seeing more clients who want to improve their skin.

One Fresno office now has the latest techniques that boost the body's own skin-renewal process without surgery or downtime.

Deborah Monis goes to Macias Dermatology in Northeast Fresno, not for problems with her skin but to prevent them.

The busy professional from Fowler wants quick treatments but lasting results to fit into her lifestyle.

"I work as a controller. I'm also a mom of three girls. My husband and I were very active well before COVID with working out, so I just didn't want that interruption of any real invasive type of procedure," said Deborah.

And now the very latest non-and less- invasive procedures are available in the Valley.

Macias Dermatology is one of the few offices in California to offer two mighty machines; Morpheus 8 and Evoke.

Both Morpheus and Evoke stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. The advantage of having both machines in one office is to cater to clients.- those who don't mind needles and those who do.

Instagram has plenty of pictures of famous faces showing off results from Morpheus 8.

The FDA-cleared technology combines micro-needling with radiofrequency heat to remodel tissue and attack fat.

The lightning-fast needles deliver micro-injuries to the skin, activating the body's function to make collagen to "heal" those areas, renewing tissue.

Aesthetic Registered Nurse Erin Freitas said, "There's no way without having a doctor that you can go as deep as Morpheus 8. So M8, I would say, is sub-surgical, the results, so it's not surgical, but it's right before. That's how great the results are with M8."

An anesthetic is typically applied before the procedure, which can be done on different areas of the body to tone and tighten.

Patients might have a little discomfort and redness but can resume their normal activities soon after.

Freitas light-heartedly says that's when a mask actually comes in handy.

"No one's going to see; they are only going to see this part (of the lower face)," she said.

Evoke has no needles but some interesting headgear. Physician' Assistant, Jessi Ohanesian, acknowledges the process itself isn't pretty but says the results are.

Deborah has no discomfort and said, "Just a little squeezing, nothing uncomfortable and a little heat. "

In 25 minutes, Evoke claims to boost collagen. In 45 minutes, it promises to zap fat and help sculpt the cheeks and jowl area that tend to lose shape as we age.

Deborah already notices improvement and said, "I've only had one, but I already feel like it's smoother."

And when the day comes when we can finally ditch the mask, Deborah will be ready with a refreshed look.

"There are some things that you just accept but some things that you can look into and see if they make a difference," she said.

Morpheus 8 is about $1,000 per treatment.

Three sessions are recommended, along with a maintenance treatment once or twice a year.

It can also be used to treat acne scars and improve pore size and overall skin texture, allowing dermatologists to address a client's many needs with one machine.

Evoke costs about $600 per session.

A series of six treatments is recommended.

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