New video shows portion of deadly Fresno police shooting

Friday, July 8, 2016
New video shows portion of deadly Fresno police shooting
New video shows portion of deadly Fresno police shootingAction News has acquired video showing a portion of the Fresno police shooting that killed a 19-year-old.

FRESNO, Calif. -- Sister station KFSN has acquired video showing a portion of the Fresno, California police shooting that killed a 19-year-old.

Dylan Noble was shot and killed eleven days ago. He was unarmed, but police have said he gave officers a good reason to shoot him.

Noble's parents have both retained attorneys who are looking at possibly suing the police department and video could play a big role. Police recorded body camera video, but so far, they won't release it. But a witness recorded cell phone video and we've acquired it.

Dylan Noble died in a hospital, but his life ended in the parking lot of an east central Fresno gas station on June 25.

For the first time, people are seeing a piece of the final showdown. From about 100 feet away, a witness pulled out his phone after the first two gunshots and recorded officers shooting two more shots. The video lasts 26 seconds. What it doesn't show, according to Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer, is at least 75 seconds of officers confronting Noble, and the 19-year-old ignoring dozens of commands and mimicking the movements of someone armed with a gun.

"When he gets within about 12 feet of the officers, he makes the statement 'I hate my effing life' and then he quickly starts to pull his hand out when the officer fires two rounds and shoots him," Dyer said.

After those shots, Noble fell to the ground and the video began. It's hard to see exactly what he's doing at that point and we've blurred a portion of the video that may be too disturbing for some people.

But Chief Dyer says body cam footage from about ten to twelve feet away paints a much more detailed picture.

"That happened twice, where he deliberately raised his shirt with the left hand and reached with his right hand underneath his shirt into the waistband," he said. "The officers, at that point, believed he was trying to retrieve a firearm and they fired."

Noble's friends and family have been asking police to let the public see the video from the officer's perspective, so the public can know exactly what happened.

"Really, we need to see the rest of the story, the entire picture here," said ABC30 legal analyst Tony Capozzi. "Those body cameras are very important to exonerate the police or maybe implicate the police."

But Chief Dyer won't release the body cam video just yet -- not while the investigation is still underway.

"I believe it explains so much, but I believe it is premature," he said. "I don't want to taint any potential witnesses."

Dyer says the last witness they know of is the person who recorded the video KFSN showed. He could release the body cam video within the next couple months

Attorneys for Noble's parents requested an investigation by an outside agency -- like the FBI.

Chief Dyer says last week, he actually asked the FBI and the U.S. Attorney General's office to conduct their own investigations -- and they agreed.