During COVID-19, Norristown theater brings the arts to your home

Thursday, March 26, 2020
Norristown Theater brings the arts to your home
Stages are dark, but a Montgomery County theater is now bringing it all to you at home.

NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Right now, theatrical stages are dark and people may be at home craving the magic and joy of the arts.

A Montgomery County theater is now bringing it all to you - at home.

The goal? Keep audiences engaged and keep artists employed.

"Even though we can't all gather under the same roof it felt really important to still give people access to the arts," says Nell Bang-Jensen, the artistic director of Theatre Horizon in Norristown. " We wanted to give people ways to heal, to build empathy and to see what we can do for each other. It's a time we need it more than ever."

Theatre Horizon says the idea is to bring families together in a fun and creative way.

They know people are looking for fun and fresh activities, so they are offering lessons and behind the scenes sessions for theater lovers of all ages.

"We have everything from a teaching artist teaching a kids yoga class to an actor doing a tutorial in stage makeup, to someone teaching a musical theater dance class," Bang-Jensen says. "It's a way to keep artists employed during these difficult times and also to serve our audiences."

They call it Horizon at Home on YouTube.

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