Young YouTube star gets auto-tune treatment

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Monday, August 11, 2014
(YouTube, schmoyoho)
YouTube, schmoyoho-WPVI

Remember the "apparently" kid? Well apparently, his now famous TV interview has been auto-tuned on YouTube.

Five-year-old Noah Ritter was at the fair last week when a WNEP reporter stopped him to ask what he thought of the rides, but Noah wanted to talk about how he had "never been on live television before." His lovable personality shown through, and when the station posted the interview on YouTube, it took the internet by storm, garnering millions of views in a few short days. Noah even went on Good Morning America for an equally adorable interview.

The group of brothers known on YouTube as schmoyoho, whose auto-tune videos really do prove that they believe everything is better as a song, took advantage of the love for Noah by turning his original interview into a catchy tune. The lyrics highlight some of Noah's best quotes, including "apparently every time you get dizzy, all you do is get dizzy" and "apparently every time grandpa gives me the remote after we watch the Powerball."

Listen to the song below, and good luck not getting it stuck in your head for the rest of the day.

Noah's interview also inspired "Apparently Apparel," which is selling t-shirts for $10 each at the Wayne County Fair and through their Facebook page. All profits are being donated to the Shriner's Hospital for Children.

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