Fight the flu with these homemade remedies

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Fight the flu with these homemade remedies
DIY guru Tamika Fletcher has recipes you can create at home to fight a common cold or the flu

Fight a cold with these natural remedies from DIY guru Tamika Fletcher.

Natural Cough Syrup

  • Chop 1 whole onion.
  • Boil onion and 1 cup of raw honey for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain the onions and take 1-2 tablespoons as needed.

Homemade Cough Drops

  • Raw honey (pure, local honey works best)
  • Optional: Candy molds or parchment paper
  • Optional: Ginger, cinnamon, whiskey, vitamin C, lemon juice
  • Boil honey to 300 degrees, Drop on parchment paper or pour in molds. Let sit until hard.

Hot Toddy

  • Lemon and ginger tea
  • Half a lemon
  • Tablespoon of Jack Daniels
  • Optional cough drop for extra potency or peppermint pillow candy
  • Kid Friendly version: substitute apple juice for tea and alcohol

Ginger Tea

  • Boil Ginger root
  • 5 Dual-Action Ricola
  • Boil in 2 cups of water with honey and lemon
  • Eucalyptus Chest Compress
  • Pour 2 ounces of almond or olive oil into a small bowl or cup.
  • Add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • (For a thicker consistency use solid coconut oil)

For more from Tamika Fletcher, visit her Facebook page