HARRISBURG, Pa. (WPVI) -- There is now a war of words emerging between Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane and the head of the Pennsylvania State Police, Frank Noonan.
It all stems from Kane's comments Monday, suggesting two children would not have been victimized by Jerry Sandusky, had her predecessors moved more quickly to bring a case against him.
Noonan is baffled by Kane's allegations.
"I was surprised so I went and talked to my investigators who've been with this case for its entire length and they don't know what she's talking about," Noonan told Action News Tuesday.
Here is what Kane said:
"We do have two individuals who indicated that they were abused by Sandusky, both in the fall of 2009."
That would be 6 months after state prosecutors took over the investigation.
Yet those two alleged victims were not involved in the trial nor mentioned at all in the Moulton Report released yesterday and commissioned by Kathleen Kane who had alleged prosecutors dragged their feet.
If true, the two alleged victims would have been the highlight of the Moulton Report, which, in general, found prosecutors acted reasonably.
"What are the names of the two victims that you are talking about? That's what I would like to know. So I could at least understand the circumstances of what she's talking about," Noonan said.
Lead Sandusky Prosecutor Fran Fina tells Action News he was aware of one alleged victim who claimed he was molested before and after the case began, but he was not part of the trial because of a host of credibility concerns.
Kane and Fina seem to differ on who knew what.
But another question now looms: Can Col. Noonan, who was appointed by Republican Governor Tom Corbett, his staff and the Democratic Attorney General work together?
"This does make me question the purpose, why is this being done, but as far as working together, that's our job and we will work together," Noonan said.
Kane's office rejected Action News' request for a sit-down interview, but released this statement:
"It is absolutely true and factual that evidence exists of two individuals who allege they were victimized into the fall of 2009. It is shameful for others to re-victimize these individuals by denying their existence."