Large cache of counterfeit Juul products seized in Philadelphia

Walter Perez Image
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Large cache of counterfeit Juul products seized in Philadelphia
Large cache of counterfeit Juul products seized in PhiladelphiaLarge cache of counterfeit Juul products seized in Philadelphia. Walter Perez reports during Action News at 5pm on April 17, 2019.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- US Customs and Border Protection officers confiscated a shipment of more than 11,000 counterfeit Juul pods, three chargers and other related paraphernalia.

The shipment, which arrived from China, was simply labeled "plastic pipe sample."

In reality, it contained 36 cartons of Juul pods destined for an address in Newark, Delaware.

Customs agents seize millions of dollars worth of fake merchandise every year, but products like these are of particular concern because they are ingested. The upshot is that people who use these products are inhaling a substance that was manufactured with substandard materials from inside a facility that is not properly regulated. In other words, consumers have no way of knowing what they are ingesting.

The best way to know if your product is safe is to always purchase consumable products from reputable retailers.

Juul released this statement on the seizure:

"We applaud the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol for these crucial enforcement actions against these unlawful products, made with unknown and potentially hazardous chemicals, and with unregulated quality standards. JUUL Labs is committed to eliminating combustible cigarettes, the number one cause of preventable death in the world.

"To preverse that opportunity for adult smokers, we must restrict youth usage of vapor products, and counterfeit products sold illicitly undermine those efforts. That's why taking swift and decisive action against counterfeit and infringing products is one of our key priorities, and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol plays a critical role in stopping these products from entering the country. Our Global Brand Protection team will continue to work closely with law enforcement, regulators and other key stakeholders around the world to protect public health and combat youth access."

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