Woman shows transformative power of makeup in viral video

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Nikkie de Jager dramatically transforms half of her face using makeup in a powerful video.
NikkieTutorials/YouTube|ABC News

A woman's incredible transformation using nothing more than makeup is inspiring a discussion about the definition of beauty.

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Nikkie de Jager initially appears on camera with no makeup. But then she begins to apply different types of makeup to the right half of her face, resulting in what she describes as "half face of nothing, half face of full-on glam."

"Girls have been almost ashamed to say that they love makeup," de Jager says in the video. "Nowadays when you say that you love makeup, you either do it because you want to look good for boys, you do it because you're insecure, or you do it because you don't love yourself. I feel in a way lately it's almost a crime to love doing your makeup."

De Jager appeared on Good Morning America and discussed how makeup has the power to make you look like Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, or even Malificent. "You can be whoever you want to be for that day with the power of makeup. The possibilities are endless," De Jager said.

Uploaded on May 10, The video has received over 9 million views on YouTube, and has received many positive comments from viewers.

"GREAT VIDEO...everyone should just choose and go on with what make them feel good," wrote one commenter.

"Both halves are beautiful!" wrote another.

De Jager says in the video that everyone is beautiful with or without makeup.

"I think a natural face is absolutely beautiful...I think everyone should love themselves for who they are, what they look like. It's just that makeup can be so much fun to play around with."

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