Police: North Carolina school bus driver asked 14-year-old girl for nude pictures

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Friday, February 13, 2015
John Felix Clemons
John Felix Clemons (image courtesy Raleigh-Wake City-County Bureau of Identification)

RALEIGH, N.C. (WPVI) -- Police say a school bus driver from Wake County, North Carolina asked a 14-year-old girl if he could take nude pictures of her.

John Felix Clemons, 64, is charged with indecent liberties with a child and second-degree sexual exploitation of a child.

Bond was set at $80,000.

Police said the incident happened Tuesday on the bus Clemons drove.

The alleged victim is a student at Leesville Road High School.

A spokesperson for the Wake County Public School System said Clemons resigned from his job before his arrest.

He had been driving for the district since 2010.

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