Thieves caught on surveillance video stealing outdoor cat shelter from garden center

Walter Perez Image
Monday, February 26, 2018
Surveillance video captures two thieves stealing cat sanctuary
Surveillance video captures two thieves stealing cat sanctuary: Walter Perez reports on Action News at 5 p.m., February 26, 2018

FAIRLESS HILLS, Pa. (WPVI) -- It is a crime that is getting a lot of attention on social media.

Late Friday night, surveillance cameras captured a woman stealing a stray cat sanctuary that was set up outside the Fairless Hills Garden Center on Lincoln Highway.

Shop owner Gary Steinberg says they set up the sanctuary to protect the cats from the winter cold.

"Everybody was just so shocked that it was a cat sanctuary that she stole and she had shake out the straw out of it," said Steinberg. "It's just disgusting, honestly."

After going on to steal an assortment of paving stones that the center stores outside, the suspect returns a few hours later, with the cat sanctuary still on top of her vehicle, to take more stones.

The woman arrives this time with someone driving a second vehicle, and she, once again, takes several paving stones and leaves.

Steinberg posted the video on the shop's Facebook page and has received more than 200,000 views with more than 800 comments so far.

Quite frankly, very few of the comments were about the hundreds of dollars of stolen stones. Most are upset about the cat shelter.

"More people viewed that then any other post we had about plants or anything like that," said Steinberg. "It's funny that way."

We spoke with a few customers here at the shop about what happened. Most were at a loss for words.

"It is incredible. You wonder what people are thinking," said Carole Neithammer of Levittown. "You just wonder. You just wonder."


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