Gas station pumps possibly contaminated in Levittown

Bob Brooks Image
Friday, June 23, 2017
Gas station pumps possibly contaminated in Levittown
Gas station pumps possibly contaminated in Levittown. Bob Brooks reports during Action News at 5 p.m. on June 23, 2017.

LEVITTOWN, Pa. (WPVI) -- A mix-up at a Bucks County gas station may become costly for customers who bought their gas there.

Officials spent Friday inspecting a Shell gas station at Hood Boulevard and New Falls Road in Levittown.

"Residents are concerned about possible contamination they found in their gas tanks," Director of Weights and Measures Office Michael Bannon said.

Specifically, it's the regular and mid-grade gas that's being tested. Those pumps will remain shut down until tests results are in.

Three complaints have come in from customers.

"They think there's some kind of contamination of diesel and regular mixed somehow. Some of the residents that have complained to Action News, told us that their car is running extremely sluggish or not at all," Bannon said.

We asked how could this happen.

How could diesel fuel wind up in the regular fuel pumps?

"There could be some kind of mix up in the delivery possibly or some kind of underground delivery system problem," Bannon said.

If the test do come back and diesel gas has been mixed with the regular, a mechanic tells Action News, it's going to be expensive now to get your vehicle fixed.

"Off the top of my head it would have to be thousands," Terry Huff of Terry's Service Center said.

Huff has been a mechanic for 39 years which means he's been fixing cars for a long time.

He says this could cause damage to all kinds of parts to a car.

"If it's a pump and the filter and the injectors. I mean who knows," Huff said.

We spoke with one customer who says the gas here has been fine.

Wilene Desir of Levittown got her gas twice at the gas station this week, and she told us, she has had no problems, yet.

Officials say the gas station owners are cooperating with them. The owners did not comment to Action News.

If it does turn out to be diesel in the regular gas, it'll either be up to Shell or the owners of the gas station to fix those customers cars.


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