Dream comes true for foster family in Bucks County

Saturday, June 3, 2017
Dream comes true for foster family in Bucks County
Dream comes true for foster family in Bucks County. Jeff Chirico reports during Action News at 11 p.m. on June 2, 2017.

LEVITTOWN, Pa. (WPVI) -- The keys for the 104th Habitat for Humanity house were handed to a family that helped build its new home in Levittown, Bucks County.

Rosalind Brooks and her children finally have a place to call their own.

"It's like a dream come true," Brooks said.

A home, 12-year-old Tabitha proudly shows off.

When she was asked, what do you love the most? She said, "I'd say the backyard. Enough space for me to play with my dog and run around."

The three bedroom colonial on B Avenue in Levittown was built by Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County.

Seventy-year-old Brooks and her five children, she adopted from foster care will move in next week.

Fifteen-year-old Abraham and his mom spent 300 hours helping construct the house.

He said, "Its sweet. I worked. I built this house from the ground up."

Brooks added, "I helped lay the foundation, cement, spackle the walls, paint a little bit of everything."

The Brooks are the 104th family helped by Habitat in Bucks.

Organizers stress the home-ownership program is a hand up for low-income families, not a hand out.

Florence Kawoczka, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County said, "They have to pay a mortgage, they have to pay taxes on full value of the home and they have to put in sweat equity before they become homeowners."

Neil McKeon, Board Director, Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County said, "if they're willing to donate the amount of time Rosalind and her family donated to Habitat, that's someone who is going to be a good homeowner, neighbor, community member."

Rosalind who has adopted 12 children from foster care over the years has lived in a cramped public housing complex until now. This, she says, is an answer to years of prayer.

"I knew in my heart that the lord said a long time ago he was going to give me my own single home, so I held on to that," Brooks said.

That faith is now paying off for her family. A woman with a big heart now has a home to match.

When asked if she planned to adopt anymore. She said, "If the Lord says so, ya never know what's down the road."


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