Kensington group delivers jars of needles to City Hall to raise awareness of opioid crisis

Alicia Vitarelli Image
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Kensington group delivers needle jars to City Hall
Kensington group delivers needle jars to City Hall to raise awareness of opioid crisis: Alicia Vitarelli reports during Action News at 4 p.m. on June 22, 2017.

KENSINGTON (WPVI) -- Kids are out for the summer, but there's a group in the Kensington section of Philadelphia that says their streets are hardly safe for the little ones to play.

To prove that point, they delivered hundreds of needles in glass jars to officials at City Hall.

The campaign is called "Need A Little Help."

Cleanup planned for notorious Kensington drug haven. Sarah Bloomquist reports during Action News at Noon on June 15, 2017.

The group behind it includes families, clergy members, neighbors and people recovering from drug addiction.

They say Kensington is bearing the brunt of our city's opioid epidemic and something needs to be done. The kids joined in to voice that concern as well.

"When I am outside trying to play with my friends, I see needles all around and I don't like needles when I am around friends," said Tymeka Perkins.

Action News investigates open-air drug dens. Wendy Saltzman reports during Action News at 11 p.m. on Apri 28.

"We need help to do something about this the kids in our zip code are as valuable as the kids in any zip code," said Shane Claiborne, Community Organizer.

They also put the faces of neighborhood kids on those jars to drive home the impact on our kids.

City officials also joined in the conversation today, saying they will work together with the community on the urgency of this situation.


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