Salfid Rescue is a group that is saving dogs from down south and finding them homes.
Shannon Potemski and Michelle O'Connell are volunteers at Salfid Rescue.
"We mostly pull pregnant moms and puppies from down South. They tend to be the first ones being put down," said Michelle.
In this year alone, Salfid Rescue has found families for over 100 homeless dogs and it wouldn't have been possible without the will power of their volunteers.
Shannon says, "We can't really take that many dogs or save that many dogs from down south if we don't have the space or the help from the volunteers."
While the rescue has a brick and mortar location it relies primarily on the help of their fosters.
"They get that socialization and that time spent in that home to better prep them you know for when they do get adopted out," added Shannon.
If you would like to adopt any of the dogs you see in the video, you can visit the Salfid website.
And, for everyone who has ever adopted a shelter pet, we want to hear your stories.
Post a picture to the FYI Philly Facebook page #6abc Shelter Me and tell us where you adopted your pet and how much they mean to you.
We'll be featuring your stories on upcoming Shelter Me segments.