Is Joel Embiid's act wearing thin in Philadelphia?

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Thursday, February 13, 2020
SPORTS FLASH POLL: Embiid still Philly's hero?
Joel Embiid's talent is undeniable. But the antics, both on and off the court, have been an area of frustration.

Joel Embiid caused quite the firestorm this week.

Shushing fans, cryptic Instagram posts and an expletive yelled at the proud fans who made him "The Process."

They responded by booing him Tuesday night.

The talent is undeniable. But the antics, both on and off the court, have been an area of frustration.

Embiid's numbers are also down across the board, leaving some to grow tired of his act.

In this week's 6abc Sports Flash, Ducis Rodgers says what many Sixers fans are thinking and delivers a rallying cry message to Embiid and the Sixers to just play ball.

Are you beginning to sour on Joel Embiid? Let us know in this week's poll question.