New Year's resolution success!

EASTON, Pa. - January 4, 2010 "We got on the roller coaster and I was too big for the ride. I couldn't close the safety mechanism. I was so embarrassed, so humiliated."

She had always struggled with her weight but when her husband died she turned to food for comfort, never sticking to the many diets she tried.

"5, 10, 15 lbs is a drop in the bucket. It was pointless."

Now 259 pounds lighter, she explains her journey started with a life resolution, rather than a New Year's resolution and involved some hard realizations.

"It was hard for me to start knowing I had to lose more weight that my goal weight was. At that point I needed to save my life or know my life was going to end quickly."

Firing up her computer, Susan turned to and began exercising, eating more fruits and vegetables and building her endurance. She's down to 180 pounds.

Susan's made so much progress, already, but she still not through. 30 more pounds and she'll be at her target weight. She's not setting a deadline for herself, just continuing to make the healthy choices that make up her new lifestyle.

Her advice to others with the same goal this New Year's is to don't expect overnight change.

"They want quick results, they want to lose the weight and go back to how they ate before. You can't do that."

Now, with the help of a great support system at her job and her partner at home Susan is proud of what she's accomplished so far, and says if she can do it, so can you.

"Don't quit til you hit the miracle."

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