Parenting Perspective: Go Baby Go

April 29, 2010

Who knew? Thanks to for passing that one on.

I've been thinking a lot about crawling recently because my son is starting to make some early moves. He's doing a little "army" crawling, using his arms to pull his dead weight trunk. He is also starting to pull himself up on all fours and rock. Over the next couple of months, if not weeks, his arms and legs should get stronger, his balance better, and he should start to actually crawl.

Parents often wonder about these milestones - when should my kid be doing this? But I want to remind you that babies are the ultimate yoginis. They progress at their own rate, not according to someone else's calendar or agenda.

Still, there are things you can do to help your kid build up his strength and coordination for crawling. First up, make sure baby spends some time on his tummy every day, starting at three months. Researchers note that ever since the campaign began to put kids on their backs to sleep, a move to cut down on SIDS death, tummy time has often suffered. But baby needs that time on his stomach, even though you should expect some squalling at the beginning.

Once he's on the floor, try tucking a rolled up towel under his torso. That'll add some comfort, while helping him keep from face planting. Try putting toys or, if baby is ready, finger foods just out of reach to encourage him to move. Get down on the floor yourself. Your smile and cheering are another important enticement.

Keep in mind that some kids will never be big crawlers, seeming to go from sitting to standing in one step. Others will be unorthodox movers, choosing to do things like roll across the room or push themselves backwards. In most cases, there's not cause for concern. But if your child does not show interest in moving by a year, that would be a good time to check in with your doctor.

But in most cases, your regular efforts will help baby make his way into crawling, his first taste of truly being independent and in control. Here's a tip: Use this time now to get your house baby proofed, before your little rocket is into everything!

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