First female president of Valley Forge Military Academy and College

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. - April 10, 2013

It was an historic day when cadets and staff learned the 85-year-old Military school hired its first female president.

"I think that the board was ready for a change and I commented to them that if they hired me, it would be very clear it would not be business as usual the second people saw me," said Sauchuk.

The Forge has hosted U.S. Presidents, that include Eisenhower. Among its alumni are General Norman Schwarzkopf and author J D Salinger. Its ranks peaked at 1200 cadets years ago but current enrollment has dwindled to just 487.

The board believes Dr. Sauchuk, a child psychologist and school administrator, will be an agent of change.

Chairman of the Board William Floyd said, "Her business experience has been in the educational environment, but it's been in for profit. So, she understands recruitment retention and managing expenses."

Another surprise about the new president of the Valley Forge Military Academy is the new president doesn't have any Military experience.

"That is true and I'm okay with that," added Sauchuk.

Sauchek says she will hire a commandant to oversee things militarily while she focuses on convincing parents that Valley Forge, with its honor code and rigor, has a record for producing disciplined students who excel not just in the military but civilian life as well.

" I think Valley Forge has a great story to tell and a lot of it has to do with developing leaders that a really differentiating factor for Valley Forge, but I don't think that story is very well known," said Sauchuk..

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