Incredible 911 call captures woman shooting an intruder

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Friday, September 5, 2014

A recording of a 911 call placed by a Phoenix woman, hiding in her bathroom, captured the moment an alleged intruder was confronted and shot by the homeowner, according to ABC News.

The 47-year-old homeowner, a widow, placed the 911 call after she heard a man -- identified by authorities as 20 year-old Michael Lewis -- tried to break into the Phoenix home.

Listen to the full 911 call here. Full transcript within the video.

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"Please help me. Somebody is trying to get into my house," the caller told the 911 dispatcher. "They've tried my front door, my front door, and now they're trying to break in my back gate."

The homeowner, terrified, hid in a bathroom closet with a gun as she stayed on the line with 911. As the intruder breaks into the home and searches through the house, the caller begins to hyperventilate in a panic.

Soon enough, the burglar found the homeowner's hiding place. A physical altercation occurred, followed by the woman's screams, and ended with a gunshot. The burglar yells in pain, and the homeowner stands triumphant as she tells the dispatcher, "I shot him."

"Did you think you could beat me half to death?" she asked the intruder. "What did you come in my house for?" The burglar, now afraid for his own life, apologizes for his actions.

The dispatcher all the while, however, is shocked trying to find out what's going on. As the two wait in the bathroom for police to arrive, the homeowner--clearly emotional over the whole ordeal--does her best to comprehend instructions from the dispatcher.

According to the tape, Lewis told the homeowner that he thought the home was abandoned. The incident occurred on May 6th of this year, though the audio tape has resurfaced during Lewis' trial.

Lewis has since pleaded guilty to second-degree burglary and aggravated assault charges, with his sentencing scheduled for September 15th. The homeowner said she plans to face Lewis then, which would be the first time they've seen each other since the burglary.

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