California high school leaves out student who died of cancer from yearbook

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Buchanan High School in Clovis leaves out student who died of cancer from yearbook
A yearbook has sparked controversy at Buchanan High School in Clovis.

FRESNO, Calif. (WPVI) -- A yearbook has sparked controversy at Buchanan High School in Clovis, California. Students say the school left out their classmate, Anthony Arroyo. He lost his battle with cancer in February.

There is a memory missing from the pages of Buchanan High's yearbook, a face and a name, Annalyza Arroyo's big brother, Anthony, "They didn't even have him as a not-picture," she said.

Anthony missed picture day because he wasn't at school. He was too sick. He was battling cancer and died in the middle of his junior year, "He was a very intelligent person, very kind hearted, all he wanted was to be normal, like everyone else," Annalyza said.

All she wanted was something to hold on to, a mention in the yearbook but there's nothing. Anthony's friend, Kevin Battaion said, "How do you forget someone like that, it's just sad because he did so much for a lot of people."

Clovis Unified says Anthony wasn't forgotten. Technically, he wasn't a student at the school. He was for two years but his illness forced him to go on homeschool when his junior year was just getting started. Still, Annalyza says, the school has a motto, "What ever happened to the saying, 'once a bear, always a bear,' but I'm guessing that only happens in the beginning of the year."

At this point, it's too late for change. The memories in the yearbook are final. Annalyza says she's not asking for a re-print but her brother does deserve some recognition, "We just want, at least an apology, just an apology for him not getting recognized."

The school district says there are plans to put Anthony in the next yearbook as long as the family is ok with it.

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