The blind curve can prove down right dangerous for the more than 500 students attending three schools on the new Covenant campus along Germantown Avenue south of Criesham Valley road.
"It's hard to cross street when getting off the bus because it's hard to see behind the bus. Cars are zooming by," said Parkway Northwest High School student Keisha Evans.
Wednesday morning, a school bound 17-year-old was struck by a car as he crossed the busy avenue.
Police say the driver may have been trying get around a stopped bus.
Renaissance Middle School's principal, Alana Walls, is saddened but not surprised by what has long been a recipe for disaster.
"Between the dangers of the cars speeding by, the kids playing and today with these slippery road conditions, unfortunately it was an accident waiting to happen," Walls said.
Newly restored trolley tracks do make it slippery in bad weather. And people who live and work in the area contend motorists often speed between taffic lights beyond the 25 mile a hour limit down this stretch of Germantown Avenue.
"Almost every time it would rain, my husband and I would wait fo the car accident. They've had to redo this wall several times because of slick conditions at the curve," said Lisa Wallace-Larkin of Mt. Airy.
Signs litter the curvy street urging caution by drivers. A 15 mile an hour school zone light flashes during school opening and closing hours. However, its all to no avail according to some school employees.
"People do not adhere to that 15 mph blinking light overall. I don't believe they do," said Parkway's principal Ethyl McGee.
"I had a problem coming around the bend. The lights were flashing for 15 miles per hour. Guy right on my bumper, pushing me up the avenue," said Paula Barnes of Renaissance Jr. High School.
The teen hit by the car suffered a broken leg. Some suggest placing a traffic light here, or a stop sign with a crossing guard could prevent a more tragic accidents.