Butch Osterman was working a side security job at at the Kingsbury Towers when he was stabbed breaking up a fight Monday. night.
"The one stab wound hit the collar bone and they said that deflected whatever the instrument was that he used, the other was in the right arm," Osterman said.
The 46-year-old former Trenton cop was trying to remove three drunken trespassers from the Kingsbury property about 10:30 p.m. when one of the men slugged him in the jaw and then stabbed Osterman as they struggled down the steps.
"I didn't realize it, I didn't feel it, I didn't see it," Osterman said.
Osterman began chasing the suspect until he realized he was bleeding profusely.
"I lifted my jacket up and my shirt was saturated and I realized something's wrong with me," Osterman said.
Osterman dialed 911, calmly gave the suspect's description and asked for police and an ambulance.
"I don't know what happened to me, get a car here please," Osterman said on the 911 call.
Trenton police had already arrested two men in connection with the incident.
Bell was arrested early Wednesday morning.
He is charged with Criminal Attempted Homicide.
Bell is being held on $250,000 bail.