For many, the meeting was just the latest step in a difficult journey.
"It's very emotional, very emotional," said resident Paulette White.
White was one of hundreds of people waiting in line for FEMA assistance at the Atlantic City Convention Center after losing her home to Superstorm Sandy.
"One hotel put me up last night, but now they're sold out," she said. "I live near the bay and lost my entire first floor."
Desperate for help, storm victims met with FEMA representatives one-on-one to register for housing assistance. The help can't come soon enough for 70-year-old Ventnor resident Art Schneider, who was displaced by the storm.
Schneider told Action News he is running out of steam.
"I'm standing for two hours," he said. "I've got four herniated discs in my back. I'm just tired as hell."
Many in line shared Schneider's exhaustion. All are struggling to get by after Sandy blew in and wiped out life as they knew it.