The baby weight may be gone, but evidence of your former pregnant self is still there and no amount of diet or exercise will get rid of that sagging sheath, until now.
"I want my body back," new mother Erica Landes told Action News. "Badly!"
There's not much Erica Landes didn't do right during her pregnancy and after. As a personal trainer and nutritionist, she didn't overindulge and continued to exercise the entire 9 months. She gained exactly 40 pounds and was back in the gym just two months after daughter Ella was born.
But hardcore workouts and a strict diet haven't been able to rid her of her "extra skin."
"I still can't fit into my pants just because of this tine pooch and saggy skin that I have on my stomach," Landes confessed. "I also suffered from bad stretch marks."
For Landes, the down time associated with a tummy tuck was not an option. So she turned to the EndyMED Rf. It's a machine that delivers radio frequency energy to the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen and helping to tighten skin after about 6 weekly treatments.
The machine looks and functions like an ultrasound machine. However, plastic surgeon, Dr. Emily Pollard believes the radio frequency this device delivers is a better option than similar devices on the market promise the same results.
"You actually have a deeper penetration and less tissue damage," Dr. Pollard adds, "so that's what makes this machine unique."
Each treatment takes about 20 minutes. Patients compare the experience to a hot stone massage. Erica started seeing some results about halfway through the 6-week process.
"I'm happy and I think my stretch marks look a lot better," she said.
But Dr. Pollard warns this is not a weight loss procedure.
"New moms, when their muscles are toned and they still have that excess skin, yes we can help them," Dr. Pollard said. "Now does it replace a tummy tuck or liposuction? No. But it's that middle ground."
Because Erica was the ideal candidate, her results were nearly ideal as well. You can see it in her before and after pictures.
The procedure can also be performed under the arms and on the thighs and buttocks.
But remember, you have to do your part. It is important to continue to exercise maintain your weight, and avoid tanning and overdoing it on alcohol. All of these things can break down collagen, so it isn't a miracle but it's a great tool to help with your post-baby body.