Church break-in leaves parishioners with broken hearts in Camden

CAMDEN - April 29, 2014

The thief or thieves left a gaping hole in the back of the Community Baptist Church in Camden.

A 30 inch monitor was stolen.

That may seem trivial to some, but for members of the small, poor church, the break-in is heartbreaking.

"For somebody to just come in her and just take what we have, I feel it's just a shame," parishioner Ernestine August said.

"I've never in my life seem someone go through that much work to break into a church. There ain't nothing in here," Pastor David King said.

Pastor King says the church's motion sensors went off around 2:00 a.m.

"I'm figuring it's a mouse because it happens a lot," King said.

After breaking through the two layers of brick, what the thief likely didn't expect was a 15 to 16 foot drop. After taking the monitor, the thief used a ladder that was inside the basement to get out.

Pastor King arrived this morning to find the hole, a glass door broken, and the monitor gone.

Fortunately, expensive print equipment was left behind. It's used to make shirts and signs which are sold, money earned to keep the church afloat.

"We have to work hard. We have to sell dinners, some of us have to go into our own pockets to keep the church going," August said.

Camden County Police spent the morning searching for clues, but Pastor King doesn't expect the thief to get caught. The church has been burglarized three times before. Sadly, he says, the monitor was likely traded for a couple bags of crack.

"They don't care about God, they don't care about pastor, they don't care about our church," August said.

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