Olivia and Lace face off in their fight for Ben on 'The Bachelor' as he goes on his first dates

ByJennifer Matarese WPVI logo
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

NEW YORK -- Fresh off the big introduction night, the women are ready for Ben to start taking them out on some dates! Wow, but before we get to the dates, we see Ben in his hotel room in his underwear getting ready. The scene leaves little to the imagination! The first date card arrived back at "Bachelor Mansion" and said, "Jackie, LB, Lauren H., Becca, Amber, Mandy, Jojo, Jubilee, Jennifer, and Lace, Let's learn how to love." Lace got ready quickly and talked about how she's not a crazy girl "at all". Oh yes you are! I can't wait to see how!

The ladies on the group date pulled up in their limo to a building that had a big sign saying "Bachelor High". Jojo ran ahead of the pack and gave Ben a big hug. Inside the building, Chris Harrison pretended to be the principal and gave everyone some work to do at 4 classes in teams of 2. The winner of the competition would get to be Ben's homecoming queen. They headed off to their lockers to get their supplies. Jubilee and Lace hoped to be the brains and brawn, as they attempted to make a volcano erupt. Everyone moved on except for Jubilee and Lace, they were eliminated right away and Jubilee was so mad at Lace! Next, the teams had to bob for apples. Ben said it was very attractive seeing the women put themselves out there. Really Ben, sure it isn't the ladies in their dripping wet tank tops passing apples through their mouths to each other? In the third challenge, we got to see ladies try to find the state of Indiana and put it on a map of the United States. This section of the show will make you question the education system in our country. We learned that Becca and Jojo know nothing about the United States and they seem to think Indiana should be sideways and right where Pennsylvania is located. Lastly, the women went to gym class and Amber and Mandy won the 4th challenge.

But, there can only be one homecoming queen, so Mandy and Amber had to race over hurdles and get to Ben first to win. Mandy killed it! She beat Amber by so much it was embarrassing! She got to wear a tiara and of course Ben's letterman jacket. They even took a lap around the track on the convertible as the king and queen of the school.

Later that evening, the ladies settled into a beautiful cocktail party with their hunk Ben. He first took some time with Becca to find out why she would come back on the show. They shot some impressive baskets together out on a private basketball court. She told him that she was very excited to meet him and she genuinely likes him. Becca said that she's "in this" to try and be as open as possible this time around and give love a shot. Then he sat with Jennifer and told her that they had an incredible conversation on night one. Out of nowhere, Ben laid a kiss on her! Wow! Stupid Jennifer gave herself a big target on her back though by telling (bragging) to the other women that she got the first kiss of the night.

Back at the mansion, another date card arrived! "Caila, join me for a day of surprises," the card read! Olivia was horrified that as the "first impression rose" recipient, she did not get the one-on-one date. She thought she was guaranteed that date!

On the group date, Lace got insecure AGAIN that Ben wasn't taking any time to talk to her. Just as she was complaining, he went over and pulled her aside to chat. Lace started by apologizing for coming off crazy. Seriously Lace, repeatedly calling yourself crazy or saying that you are acting crazy is putting that in his head. Ben said that he did feel slightly attacked and that the whole process is a hard one. Lace told him that she felt "special" being there and they making a ton of eye contact, just as Lace thought they were going to kiss, Jubilee interrupted them!

Jubilee told Ben that she admires his charity work in other countries because she was born in Haiti and was raised in an orphanage until she was 6. He told her he's so excited to know more about her and they shared a sweet hug, and then he followed that up with some kissing! She was smart to not tell the other women about her kissing Ben. Lace attacked her and said that she stole Ben away and said that she hardly had anytime with Ben. With that, she got up and stole Ben away from LB. Lace finally took the time to talk to Ben about his life and get to know him instead of talking about the drama she created. They ended their time with a weak hug and Lace was convinced that she was going to get the group date rose. Jojo called her out because she and Amber still didn't get any time to talk to him at all and Lace has gone twice.

Ben eventually came over and asked Jojo if she would talk to him up on the roof of the building. It was an amazing setting that almost made her cry and they swayed together in the moonlight. Ben told her that he just loves her bubbliness and her energy during their date. "I'm blown away, I'm blown away by Ben," Jojo said. She told him that she likes him a lot and he took that opportunity to kiss him. It's clear he took her up there to get her away from the other ladies to do some serious kissing. In that five minutes, Jojo says she has 100% developed feelings for him. Back at the cocktail party, Ben picked up the group date rose and gave it to Jojo! No surprise there! Poor Jubilee was heartbroken and Lace was confused and angry. She feels like their conversation accomplished nothing.

It's time for Ben's first one-on-one! Ben arrived to pick up the beautiful Caila as Chris Harrison showed up and told them that he planned their date which involved Kevin Hart and Ice Cube coming along! They are promoting their new movie "Ride Along 2". The women went wild when the guys walked in! Ben told Kevin that he just saw him perform two weeks ago in Denver, so he's a fan! They took Ben aside to find out what his status with Caila is so far. They tell him that they are going on a cheap date to see what Caila's reaction is to the date. Ben said that he trusts them. They loaded up into a convertible and Ben drove the foursome away for the start of their date. They pulled over on the side of the road where a guy was selling flowers; they haggled for the bouquet and gave them to Caila.

They went to a liquor store where Ice Cube told Ben he needed some condoms. Ben said that's not how he operates on a first date. Back inside the car, the couple tried to have a meaningful conversation while Ice Cube and Kevin Hart commented on everything they had to say. It was really crazy! They went to a hot tub store where they had a party. They got into their suits and lounged with Kevin Hart staring at them in the water. Kevin didn't want to get out and asked them to kiss, but they were like, leave us alone for a bit!

Back at the house, the last date card arrived and it said, "Emily, Sushanna, Sam, Olivia, Haley, and Amanda, are we a perfect match?"

Once Ice Cube and Kevin Hart left, Ben and Caila got some one-on-one time for real. It was an amazing experience with those guys, but how well could they really get to know each other with them around? They sat down at a restaurant and talked about how Caila is a dreamer and she really wants to find her perfect match in Ben. Ben said that he's never had a "two-way street" in a relationship, and he feels like people are always leaving him. Caila shared her story about her ex-boyfriend and how they met on a plane, but her heart never caught up with the amazing story of how they met. She made it sound a lot less crazy than her dumping her boyfriend for Ben who she was watching on TV and really wanted to meet. Run Ben! She's actually a crazy person, but I have to agree with Ben, Ice Cube, and Kevin Hart that Caila is a very sweet girl. Ben offered her the date rose and she happily accepted! As they strolled along the street, they saw a marquee with their names and inside the theater was a private concert for them by Amos Lee. They kissed and danced the night away. Caila said, "There's no way he's unlovable!" Aww!

It was time for group date number two. The ladies went into the "Love Lab" and followed an iPad robot into a studio where they found Ben. They found his nerdy look very sexy. Dr. Love and his team were out to find out if science could help lead Ben to the right woman. They studied the women's response to a retinal tracking test. The next test would have made me incredibly uncomfortable! Ben had to go around sniffing various parts of the women's bodies. Most smelled like fruit or flowers, but he actually said that Samantha smelled "sour". Gross! Maybe it was the plastic or something her shirt had been packaged in.

Then Ben went into a room where his thermal energy was tested with all of the women. Olivia talked a big game in front of the other women about how this would be great to help Ben weed some of the people out. Once she had her chance in the thermal energy room, she did her best to try to get him to kiss her, but he resisted because "people are watching." All of America is watching Ben! Smelly Sam got the lowest score! The highest score went to Olivia! Wow, that seems pretty accurate.

In the evening, they had a cocktail party where Ben decided to start with his highest scorer, Olivia. He took her into his "Bachelor" pad. She told him that she's not surprised by her high score because she feels some compatibility and a connection. They finally got to have a first kiss that Olivia described as "magical".

Ben told one of the twins that she didn't need to worry about being the most outgoing, she thought that he was only going for the loud and in your face kind of girls. Thank goodness for Sam, Ben apologized for saying she smelled sour, and smelled her again and told her she smelled like passion fruit. Amanda stole Ben away because she wants him to know that she has two young daughters because he needs to know about her life. Ben was really surprised. He didn't immediately discount her and knows that if he picks Amanda, they would be a family in the end. She left the conversation feeling great because Ben even said, "Kids don't scare me, kids don't scare me." He sealed the deal with a kiss!

Ben picked up the date rose and gave it to Olivia, but did mention to Amanda how much he appreciated learning about her family. Olivia is all excited that she's two for two. She's way too cocky! It's such a turnoff! Poor Amanda was so bummed and cried because she thought that things had gone perfectly, yet another woman got the rose.

Then it was time for the cocktail party before the second rose ceremony! Ben told the football girl that he felt confident in her enough to keep her around, so that's why he didn't take her on a date this week. As he is talking to Leah, Olivia was waiting in the wings to pounce. Of course all of the other women were furious that Olivia has two roses so far and is still stealing Ben away. Newsflash ladies, this is how she's getting roses! Olivia said, "OK, well now I'm done, so everyone can have at it." What the heck? She's giving them permission? Who does this chick think she is?! Trainwreck Lace tries to get to know Olivia after seeing her be so aggressive and it was just a bizarre conversation. I think she was hoping to get to know how Olivia is getting all of these roses, but Olivia didn't give up any key information to Lace.

Lace talked to Ben about how she comes off a little crazy. Ben said the first night threw him off but that they started off on a clean slate. She told him that she was a big dork when she was younger and had some horrible bangs, but the conversation was rambling and a bit nuts. Lauren B. interrupted them because she hasn't even had a date this week with Ben. Lace left crying because she felt like she ruined her chances with him. This poor girl is so insecure! Lauren B. however got a present from Ben! He gave her a printed photo of the two of them talking on night one! How sweet! She's very level-headed, like the anti-Lace. She said that she would be really bummed if he didn't keep her but it's been an awesome experience already where she's learned about herself. He said that he doesn't know how to make her feel special, but he wanted the picture to let her know that he was thinking about her all week!

Ben also sat Amanda aside and had some hair barrettes with roses and he said that he wanted them to make them for her daughters. He said that her daughters are involved in the process too and he wants her to know that he is thinking about her and them. She even got to try it by putting one of the barrettes in his hair! It was really cute.

Chris Harrison came by, dinged his glass and whisked Ben away to deliberate and make his decision on who he wanted to keep. Ben gave roses to:

1) Amanda

2) Jubilee

3) Lauren B.

4) Leah

5) Becca

6) Rachel (who?)

7) Lace (get out of town!)

8) LB - wait a minute! She pulled him aside and told him that she didn't think she could be on the show anymore. She said she's just a quiet girl from Oklahoma. She gave him a hug and he walked her out. Ben walked back in sniffling. He said told the women that it's a two-way street and he said that LB told her that the situation was too much. He said that he wanted to use her rose to get to know someone else better. He continued on by calling Jennifer up to get a rose.

9) Emily

10) Jami

11) Lauren H.

12) Sushanna

13) Haley

14) Amber

Caila, Olivia, and Jojo already have roses from their dates. Mandy, Smelly Sam, and Jackie were eliminated.

Next week, it looks like Lauren B. gets a big date and Jubilee will get some special time together. Olivia puts more pressure on the ladies and Lace continues to cry.

On "Bachelor Live" Chris Harrison congratulated Ali Fedotowsky on her pregnancy, and Jade and Tanner announced that ABC would air their wedding in a few weeks! Tanner and Jade also asked Chris Harrison if he would officiate, and he said he was honored.

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