Charlie Sheen sued for alleged violent dental office attack

ByOwen Michael KABC logo
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen

LOS ANGELES -- Attorneys for a dental technician filed a lawsuit Friday against actor Charlie Sheen in L.A. County Superior Court for assault, battery, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress during a September examination.

Margarita Palestino alleges that Carlos Irwin Estevez, also known as Charlie Sheen, attacked her during his dental appointment on Sept. 25 at her workplace, George Bogen Inc. on North Larchmont Blvd. in Los Angeles.

In the filed complaint, Palestino alleges that Sheen "yelled incoherently" at her and other staff when he entered the dental office. Sheen was escorted to a private examination room and placed on a dental chair. Palestino, dentist George Bogen and dentist Jaime Azdair were also in the room, according to the complaint.

When Palestino applied a nitrous-oxide mask to Sheen's face as she was instructed to do by Bogen, Sheen is alleged to have ripped off the mask and then jumped out of the chair, causing dental instruments to fall to the floor. Sheen then yelled, "I'm going to (expletive) kill you" at all three people in the room, according to the complaint.

Bogen again ordered Palestino to administer the mask to Sheen, who grabbed her left breast area and pulled on her clothing. Sheen then allegedly grabbed Palestino's bra strap on her back and forcefully pulled it down in an attempt to open or remove the bra.

Palestino "repeatedly and loudly pleaded" for Sheen to stop, and for Bogen to tell him to stop. When Bogen told Sheen to "calm down," Sheen responded with an expletive, according to the complaint.

Sheen's bodyguard, identified as "Gary" in the complaint, heard the commotion and entered the room. Palestino broke free and ran out of the exam room as Sheen allegedly threatened her again.

According to Palestino, Azdair then exited the exam room and said Sheen had lunged at him with a knife and had repeatedly stabbed the chair in the room.

Palestino re-entered the exam room at Bogen's request. Bogen attempted to place a topical anesthetic in Sheen's mouth, but Sheen pulled it out and violently got out of the chair and forcefully punched Palestino's chest, according to the complaint.

The bodyguard pushed Palestino out of Sheen's reach, and asked the woman if she was OK. She responded "no" and ran out of the room again. She did not return to the exam room, despite Bogen's second order.

Sheen's personal assistant approached Palestino and handed her $500 and said, "This is for your troubles," according to the complaint.

Bogen told Palestino as she was cleaning up the exam room (including spit on the walls, according to the complaint) that Sheen was high on a combination of crack cocaine, Theradol and alcohol.

"Our client is the victim of heinous acts perpetuated by Charlie Sheen," said Neama Rahmani of West Coast Trial Lawyers, the law firm representing Maggie Palestino. "She will not be intimidated by Sheen or those who are attempting to cover up for him. We look forward to exposing the truth and vindicating her rights in court."

Marty Singer, Charlie Sheen's attorney, responded to the lawsuit Friday afternoon, saying: "This is a ridiculous lawsuit by an opportunist looking for her 15 minutes of fame. The suit was filed in response to her being notified that she violated HIPAA. We are confident that my client will prevail in this absurd claim."