ELLICOTT CITY, Md. (WPVI) -- At Clarksville Cow Cuddling you can brush, feed and cuddle cows.
It's the newest trend in animal-assisted therapy.
"I would go out in the pastures with the big milking herd, and the milking herd actually came to me, laid down next to me and I started snuggling and they would snuggle back", says founder, Corianne Wilson.
She wanted to share her experience with the world so she started Clarksville Cow Cuddling.
The cuddly cows include Snap, Crackle, Pop and Captain.
"I call them my pasture puppies", says Wilson.
Visitors find the experience to be relaxing and one of a kind. You can learn more about cow cuddling at clarksvillecowcuddling.com.