NEW YORK, N.Y. (WPVI) -- We have a safety alert for parents of young children.
A federal appeals court has overturned the government's ban on super-strong toy magnet sets.
So they are back on the market.
Consumer Reports says they're still a very dangerous swallowing hazard, especially around young children.
"These magnets are so strong that if they are swallowed, they can pull together with enough force to punch holes along different sections of the digestive system," says Ellen Kunes, Consumer Reports health editor.
Zen magnets, which fought the ban, says they're "perfectly safe when properly used."
However, Consumer Reports urges families with children not to have them.
Before the 2014 ban, thousands of people ended up in emergency rooms with injuries.
After the ban, doctors say it dropped to only a few.
Consumer Reports also urges anyone who had the magnet sets in their home to look for, and throw away any left, to protect your children and teens.