What's The Deal: Turning your home into a restaurant

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Monday, August 12, 2019
What's The Deal: Turning your home into a restaurant
What's The Deal: Turning your home into a restaurant - Sharrie Williams reports during Action News at 4:30pm on August 12, 2019.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- The internet has created dozens of new ways to make money by selling your service to those around you. But there's one you may not have heard of: Food sharing.

Our friends at MoneyTalksNews explain how to turn your home into a restaurant.

"It's not something I'm going to retire on. It's not something that, you know, I'm going to be able to do full time. But it's something that when I do it, people leave and they're happy. It just makes me feel really, really, really good," says Home Chef, Avi Levy.

Avi Levy is doing what we've all done plenty of times: getting ready to have a few people over for dinner.

But for Levy, the appetizing part isn't just the company - because he's also charging his guests.

"I have three kids, and you look at budgets for meals. I could cook this meal and I'll make enough money, certainly to take care of my family, food wise, for at least a week or so," says Levy.

Levy's guests found him through Eatwith.com. ChefsFeed.com is another one.

They match cooks and customers all over the world and take a cut of the profits.

These services are about more than just turning your home into a pop-up restaurant. For your guests, they're an opportunity to mingle with locals, from Miami to Milan.

They're also a great way to get home-cooked food for less than restaurant prices.

Think of it as baking two birds with one stone: Both chefs and guests meet interesting people from around the world while picking up a buck or two.

As with other sharing services, from AirBnB to Uber, the action is mostly concentrated in larger cities, and there could be local ordinances against doing it.

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