North Carolina company sells cuddle sessions

Friday, February 13, 2015
Durham company sells cuddle sessions
A new company in the Triangle is selling snuggles by the minute.

DURHAM, N.C. -- A new company in North Carolina is selling snuggles by the minute. Cuddle Time For You is preparing to launch in Durham later this month.

The professional service is currently taking appointments for cuddling sessions.

"When I saw the ad I just knew that was for me," said professional cuddler in-training Jennifer - who asked we not use her last name.

The part-time, stay-at-home wife is one of six employees who will get paid to comfort others.

Soon customers can pay to be held, touched, or just lie still with any one of them.

Employees do not reveal their last names to protect their privacy.

"Everyone has a point in their life when they need a hug," said Jennifer. A lot of people don't live near their family or just don't have a lot of close-knit people with that sort of support in their life. It is very therapeutic, and there are health benefits."

Research shows that cuddling releases oxytocins - hormones that make us feel happy and connected.

No matter how good the feeling, clients must abide by the boundaries. The sessions are strictly platonic.

"The no-no zone would basically be anywhere that a woman would wear a bikini," said Jennifer.

Jeff Everson is the man behind the cuddle-for-hire business. The entrepreneur got the idea from a popular company he read about in Oregon.

His family and friends were skeptical of the model, at first.

"Some of them were like, 'Come on. Is it really just cuddling?' And I'm like 'It really is. It's really just cuddling,'" he said.

Everson already has 25 people on the waiting list. Sessions take place in an office space.

Cuddlers are never left alone, and security cameras capture it all to ensure nuzzling stays G-rated and employees are protected.

"If they feel unsafe they are to immediately cease the session," said Everson.

He admits it is not for everyone, but Everson believes many people in the triangle are already embracing the cozy concept.

"We pay people to be nannies to our kids and hug our kids and raise our kids for us. Why can't we pay people to hug us now when we really need it?" he said.

Cuddle Time For You officially opens for business on February 23. An hour-long session will cost you $60.

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