NEW YORK CITY -- The folks who live near a bar in Queens are well accustomed to the sometimes wild life of the bar's clientele.
But nothing prepared them for the wildlife that showed up, real wildlife.
There was a coyote in Long Island City above a bar and it caused a little bit of a stir.
LIC Bar unveiled its newest artist in residence, a guy named Coyote Anderson who couldn't have asked for better timing.
"A lot of people's reaction was, 'Did you do this?' There's a coyote on the roof," Anderson said.
They don't call it the urban jungle for nothing. An actual coyote in the flesh was prancing around on a parapet wall in the middle of Queens!
"A neighbor above the bar spotted it first and they called in an animal specialist and she quickly jumped back when she noticed what it was," said Gustavo Rodriguez, the bar manager.
"I can't believe it's the New York police that do this," another resident said.
The NYPD determined they were not crying wolf and so two emergency services officers, the kind trained to take down terrorists, found themselves on the roof.
They were armed with a tranquilizer gun. They got it to run out from under an air conditioning unit and right into the window of the abandoned factory next door.
The last time anyone saw the coyote it was inside the big old paint factory with windows that look right out on the bar's courtyard, which may be a questionable place to stand.
"It appears to be well fed doesn't appear to be starving," Rodriguez said.
"What does that tell you?" Eyewitness News asked.
"I don't know, maybe we need to be counting our citizens," Rodriguez said.
And so while one coyote was performing inside, his lone wolf neighbor was out there somewhere, scared and cold, and singing the blues.