WATCH 'Philly In Focus - The Birth of Motion Pictures' by History Making Productions

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Friday, March 9, 2018
Philly In Focus - The Birth of Motion Pictures
Take a trip back in time, to when movie theaters lined the streets of Philadelphia!

Take a trip back in time, to when movie theaters lined the streets of Philadelphia!

An introduction to the Philadelphia motion picture scene.
Photo take Coleman Sellers' business to the next level and Henry Heyl introduces moving pictures.
A Penn. Academy of Fine Arts instructor experiments with the photo gun, which allows the capture motion in photographs.
Welcome to Lubinville, a technologically advanced film studio in North Philly.
A fire threatens to eradicate a collection of noteworth films.
From Old City to Point Breeze and beyond, movie theatres captivate audiences all over Philadelphia in the '70s.
Academy Award winner Garrett Brown and his impact on the local film and advertising market.