WATCH: Howard Dean *almost* recreated his famous 2004 scream at the DNC

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania -- Democrat Howard Dean came so close to recreating his famous scream at the DNC in Philadelphia Tuesday night -- but stopped short of the "yeah!"

Dean, who ran for the Democratic nomination for president in 2004, is said to have lost the primary because his high-pitched scream during a campaign rally got so much attention. The "yeah" came after he yelled out a series of state names.

Watch the 2004 verion here:

At the end of his speech Tuesday, the ramp up started. He started listing off states as the volume of his voice increased. As he got to the end, everyone was expecting to hear the scream, but Dean stepped back.

It's almost like he mouthed it, but we didn't hear the famous, yeah!"

Watch the end of his Tuesday night speech here:

Watch as Howard Dean nearly recreates his famous 2004 scream during his speech at the DNC.
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