Video shows duck ruffling feathers while flying around inside New Jersey school

Christie Ileto Image
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Video shows duck flying inside NJ high school
Video shows duck flying inside NJ high school

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, New Jersey (WPVI) -- An unlikely feathered visitor was spotted roaming the halls of Washington Township High School.

A minute-long surveillance video shows a duck flying off in a frenzy through the hallway of the school last Friday.

The school's principal, Raymond Anderson III, said school secretary Stacey Orrio swooped in with the assist and spent several minutes chasing behind the bird.

At one point, she and other staff closed the open classroom doors and tried to corner the duck before finally grabbing a hold of it. She released it outside.

The school district took to Facebook calling Orrio none other than the 'Duck Whisperer.'

Anderson said she does a lot of work with animals outside of school, so her expertise fit the bill.

Principal Anderson said looking back, the ordeal is funny - but at the time, not so much.

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