Multiple factors likely led to Kate Spade's death, say experts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Multiple factors likely led to Kate Spade's death, say experts
Multiple factors likely led to Kate Spade's death, say experts - Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5pm on June 6, 2018.

NEW YORK (WPVI) -- The sudden death of designer Kate Spade stunned many and now has them wondering how such a successful person could become so desperate to take her own life.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention says success, wealth, accolades can't erase emotional distress. They add there's never a single cause for suicide.

It is the result of many factors that come together, such as an underlying mental health condition, life stressors, and access to lethal means. And someone with suicidal thoughts may not verbalize their feelings, so we need to be watchful for signs.

Depression is the most common condition linked to suicide and often, depression is not recognized or diagnosed.

The AFSP also cites these other signs:

Talk - If a person talks about:

* Killing themselves

* Feeling hopeless

* Having no reason to live

* Being a burden to others

* Feeling trapped

* Unbearable pain

Behavior, especially if it's related to a painful event, loss or change:

* Increased use of alcohol or drugs

* Looking for a way to end their lives, such as searching online for methods

* Withdrawing from activities

* Isolating from family and friends

* Sleeping too much or too little

* Visiting or calling people to say goodbye

* Giving away prized possessions

* Aggression

* Fatigue

Mood - People considering suicide may display one or more of the following:

* Depression

* Anxiety

* Loss of interest

* Irritability

* Humiliation/Shame

* Agitation/Anger

* Relief/Sudden Improvement

If you need help right now, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741.

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