TRENTON, N.J. (WPVI) -- A family in New Jersey is looking for answers after a 4-year-old boy was left alone on a school bus, and it was several hours before anyone realized what happened.
"His first words out to me are, 'I'm sorry, it was all our fault."
That's what a school bus driver told Melissa Holly of Trenton, whose young son, Tyler, was left on a bus Tuesday for about six hours. He was supposed to be dropped off at Stokes Elementary School but never got off the bus.
Melissa Holly tells us, "It's not a big bus, my son rides a small bus, and apparently there was only 10 to 12 kids on the bus."
She continued, saying, "He'd been on the bus for six hours. So he'd gone to the bathroom on himself. He had nothing to eat, nothing to drink. My son is asthmatic."
Tyler is also developmentally delayed and tells me he tried to get out of his bus, which is part of the Delaware Valley Bus Line fleet. So for the driver has only been identified as Bill and the aide as Denise
Tyler says, "I was trying to open the doors and I can't."
Tyler was spotted on the bus at afternoon pick up time by a teacher who knew he hadn't been in school. Melissa Holly is angry that the driver and aide did not alert anyone about the mistake.
She says, "Never called it in, never spoke to the principal, never called the police, nothing. And my issue is, is if this teacher had noticed him on that bus would they have just dropped him off and acted like he was in school all day?"
Holly wants the driver and aide fired. We visited the bus company today but managers there would not comment or confirm the two had been terminated.
Trenton police are investigating the incident and parents are appalled that the preschooler was left in the bus for the entire school day.
The superintendent of schools says the district takes safety seriously, and has clearly put the child in jeopardy.
Melissa Holly praised how the teachers and principal handled the situation once they realized what happened. But she now wants her son put on a new bus route with a different company.