Talking to your kids about 9/11

September 7, 2011

My little guy Kevin and his friend Lillian were not born then, but we commemorate the day by making these American flags and really talking about patriotism.

I find that young kids have lots of questions and I've been talking to a lot of kids about this topic on my face book page.

Vicki Olson says she has an eight and a seven year old who don't know a lot about 9-11 but she is looking for the right thing to say to them.

Dr. George McCloskey, Psychology PCOM said, "Children hear about it all the time and the younger the child, their mind is a little more egocentric so they're probably thinking about it in ways it might impact them."

McCloskey says it is important to be honest, open and direct with your child about 9-11.

One question your child may have is: are we safe?

McCloskey says "it's important to reassure children that we are."

If a child asks how to explore the changes we've made as a country to become a safer nation.

There are many people spending their lives making sure they are safe.

Most kids probably heard about the tragedy from friends or saw images on television.

McCloskey suggests not to initiate a conversation on the attacks.

However, if your child is asking questions, let them take the lead and answer only questions asked.

"I think its important to gage your response based on the age of the child, how much you tell them and what you tell them, " added McCloskey..

Professor McCloskey also says children express an interest in wanting to volunteer or do some positive work on that day that you encourage them.

Some of my face book friends have been talking about this and Linda says she talks to her grandson and says a prayer with him and Lori says she likes to walk with her kids for a charity that day and donate the money


My family and I will be at the Kimmel Center where I'll be hosting a concert all about patriotism.

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