Business owners: Forget Sandy, "LBI is Alive!"

LONG BEACH ISLAND - April 10, 2013

So, they've gotten together and shot a commercial called "LBI is Alive."

"Our beaches are ready, our life guards are ready, our fishing boats are all ready to go," said Mayor Kirk Larson of Barnegat Light.

A producer shot the commercial for free and local businesses raised more than $50,000 to buy airtime.

"Ocean City and Sea Isle have been doing this for months," said real estate agent Kevin Bergin. "So we just need to make sure everybody knows LBI is open."

Erica Huston is one of those people they're trying to reach. She arrived on LBI expecting the worst.

"I just thought when I was coming over the bridge I'd see flotsam and jetsam and things like that," she said.

LBI did have damage and the southernmost part of the island in Holgate was hit hard. But businesses, rental agencies and residents are eager to let people know that most of the island is just fine and getting ready for summer.

"There are still some homes that are empty and still a lot of work to be done, but definitely there's a lot of momentum and there's just a lot of spirit," said Sally Wright of Ship Bottom.

The commercial begins running Friday on cable TV stations in North Jersey.

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