Biden's memoir now a best-seller
NEW YORK (AP) - August 24, 2008 A day after Sen. Barack Obama chose Biden as his running mate
for the Democratic ticket, Biden's "Promises to Keep: On Life and
Politics" was in the top 10 on Barnes & and in the top
40 on
It was so in demand that on Sunday it was listed as out of stock
by both booksellers.
The Random House Publishing Group released the memoir in the
summer of 2007, several months after Biden announced his candidacy
for president. But, like so many campaign works, "Promises to
Keep" was no more successful than its author, who dropped out of
the race in January 2008.
A year after it came out, "Promises to Keep" wasn't yet
available in paperback, a sign that the publisher had given up on
the book.