Parenting: It's never too early

November 9, 2010

Our home was already adorned with autumn decorations and a few witches and goblins, but seeing the huge display of holiday decorations in the store, instantly put Nicholas in the holiday spirit, with Christmas a month and a half away. But I guess from a retail standpoint, isn't that the purpose of putting Christmas stuff in the stores so early anyway?

Well Nicholas was hooked, and as a parent I guess so was I. We spent several minutes choosing a holiday wreath for out front door. Secretly I was hoping we could pick one out and then stick it in the closet until Thanksgiving, but my son was having none of it. The wreath we would chose would go on the door immediately.

It made me wonder just how early is too early to begin thinking about the holidays. Well if you're 8-years-old, it's never too early.

For Nicholas the holidays signal a special time for our home and our family. His older siblings come to visit... and so does Santa.

These next few weeks will be filled with such expectation for him and to see it all through his eyes is and will always be significant.

One child psychologist wrote recently: "Anytime you can create magic for your child, then do it. Your children are worth the time, so get up on a chair and get those xmas boxes down. Bring some stars down from the sky and let them shine in your living room. Look at those same stars in your child's eyes."

I saw those same stars in the eyes of my son as he looked at the shiny tinsel and balls that make up our new wreath. And yes it may be on our door a little earlier than I would like, but if it's bringing an early joy to my youngster what the heck? Hopefully he won't ask me to put up the Christmas lights or the tree anytime soon.

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