BYOB coming to Ocean City, New Jersey?

OCEAN CITY, N.J. - July 27, 2011

Some restaurant owners are hoping to allow customers to bring their own alcohol.

OCNJ has been a dry town for more than a century but now some restaurateurs are collecting signatures for a ballot question. They are asking locals if they want to allow beer and wine at eateries by letting diners bring their own bottle - popularly known as "BYOB."

"It'll be good for the restaurants, it'll bring more people in and it'll keep them in town," said Amy Repici of Chatterbox Restaurant.

"Even with BYOB you are still a dry town. The distinction of a dry town in the state of New Jersey is the lack of sale of alcohol," said Bill McGinnity of Cousin's Restaurant.

Still, there is a lot of opposition. The mayor opposes the idea, as do many of those who come to Ocean City in the summer.

"This has always been such a family town and I feel even though they start, you let one little door open and then it opens wider," said Anna Pipino of Aston, Pa.

"I'm actually against it and we're putting an offer on a house here today," said Mary Kate Hatcher of Wayne, Pa. "The reason why we chose Ocean City is because I think, I hope, there's less alcohol."

There have been efforts here before to allow folks to BYOB, but Ocean City has always remained a dry resort.

"As long as it doesn't get out of hand. There's obviously drinking going on in Ocean City, whether you can buy it here or not," said Jackie Connolly of Jenkintown, Pa.

In the end voters will decide. Supporters are continuing to collect the more than 700signatures they need in order to get the issue on the ballot in November.

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