ADOPT an Animal at the Philly Zoo

Philadelphia, PA (September 13, 2011) By ADOPTing (Animals Depend On People Too) an animal at the Philadelphia Zoo, supporters can express their love for animals with a one-time donation ranging from $50 to $1000 that directly contributes to care, food and habitat maintenance. ADOPTing enables individuals to connect with wildlife and the environment while supporting their favorite zoo animal. ADOPT parents receive a photograph of their ADOPTed animal, a certificate of parentage, a fact sheet and a special invite-only invitation to ADOPT Day which features behind-the-scenes tours, a cake-cutting ceremony and much, much more!

The Philadelphia Zoo houses more than 1,300 mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians whose diets consist of apples, carrots, crickets, hay, chow and mealworms. The annual grocery bill is well over $500,000, by ADOPTing a favorite animal new parents can help the Zoo pay these annual costs, improve exhibit areas as well as purchase enrichment toys that enhance the animal's environment. ADOPTions can be purchased either by the group or individually.

"ADOPT Day is one of my favorite days at the Zoo," says Vikram H. Dewan, President and CEO. By becoming an ADOPT parent we each form a special connection with our favorite animal, whether it's a Giraffe, a White Rhino, Jaguar or Snow Leopard cubs, ADOPT parents are truly making a difference for these and other animals at the Philadelphia Zoo," says Dewan.

Supporters of the Philadelphia Zoo and ADOPT parents play an integral part in providing the best possible care for all of the animals living at the Philadelphia Zoo. For more information please visit or call 215.ADOPT-ME.

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